Emilia Puzzles
Emilia Puzzles

Emilia Puzzles

550, Pearl, The Impossible Puzzle

16.00 Sold by: Emilia puzzles
This is a challenging two-sided puzzle by Pearl. The title is The Impossible Puzzle. The puzzle is like NEW, with

1000, Selegiochi, Homesickness, René Magritte

55.00 Sold by: Emilia puzzles
Selegiochi published this very rare puzzle in 1990. The title is Homesickness, by René Magritte. The puzzle is COMPLETE, as

1000, Eurographics, The Music, Gustav Klimt

29.00 Sold by: Emilia puzzles
Eurographics published this beautiful puzzle in their Fine Art Collection. The title is The Music by the Austrian Jugendstil artist

2000, Ricordi, The Hay Wain, Constable

32.00 Sold by: Emilia puzzles
Ricordi produced this beautiful puzzle in 2005. The title is The Hay Wain, after the iconic painting by the British

1000, Jumbo, The Young Mozart + CD

29.00 Sold by: Emilia puzzles
This is a very nice puzzle by Jumbo. The title is The Young Mozart. The original is a hand-colored lithograph after

2000, Scandecor, Historic World Map, Blaeu

47.00 Sold by: Emilia puzzles
There are not many puzzles by the brand Scandecor, and this one is particularly hard to find. There is no

1000, Pinshidai, Blazing with Color

18.00 Sold by: Emilia puzzles
This is a colorful round puzzle by Pinshidai, representing a zodiac. The title is Blazing with Color. The puzzle is NEW,

100, Galison, Marilyn Monroe, Andy Warhol

10.00 Sold by: Emilia puzzles
Galison produced this lovely shaped puzzle in 2019.  The title is Marilyn Monroe, by the Pop-Art artist Andy Warhol. The

2×1000, Jumbo, Seafood Supper & Clash of the Bakers

29.00 Sold by: Emilia puzzles
Jumbo published this set of puzzles in 2014. The two puzzles show the cartoon illustrations Seafood Supper and Clash of

1000, Heye, No Danger, Jean-Jacques Loup

55.00 Sold by: Emilia puzzles
Heye manufactured this puzzle in 1990. The title is No Danger by French cartoonist Jean-Jacques Loup. It still appears sometimes, but

8000, Educa, Alexander the Great visiting the Studio of Apelles

185.00 Sold by: Emilia puzzles
Educa manufactured this puzzle in 1990, and there is a later edition in 1996 in a black box. The title

1000, Avec, The IJ at Amsterdam, seen from the Mosselsteiger

15.00 Sold by: Emilia puzzles
This is an interesting puzzle by Avec. The title is The IJ at Amsterdam, seen from the Mosselsteiger, by Ludolf
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