Rare Puzzles Europe
Rare Puzzles Europe

Rare Puzzles Europe

2000, Heye, Train, Guillermo Mordillo

85.00 Sold by: RarePuzzlesEurope
Heye manufactured this puzzle in 2016. The title is Train, by Guillermo Mordillo. It is very difficult to find now.

5000, Jumbo, Night Watch Alive

55.00 Sold by: RarePuzzlesEurope
This is a truly interesting puzzle by Jumbo. The title is Night Watch Alive and it is a photograph of

2000, Jumbo, The Blind Organ Grinder, Zink

56.00 Sold by: RarePuzzlesEurope
This is an interesting and rare puzzle by Jumbo. The title is The Blind Organ Grinder, by the 19th century

4000, Schmidt, The Battle of Trafalgar, Auguste Mayer

84.00 Sold by: RarePuzzlesEurope
This is an extraordinary puzzle by Schmidt. The title on the box is The Battle of Trafalgar, by Auguste Étienne

3000, Ravensburger, Bombardment of Algiers, Chambers

41.00 Sold by: RarePuzzlesEurope
Ravensburger published this puzzle in 1992. The title is Bombardment of Algiers, by the British marine painter George Chambers. You can

3000, Jumbo, Casino, Monte Carlo, Bokelman

95.00 Sold by: RarePuzzlesEurope
This is a very rare puzzle by Jumbo. The title is Casino, Monte Carlo by Christian Ludwig Bokelman. The puzzle is

1500, Editrice Giochi, Libra, Ceci and Carabelli

49.00 Sold by: RarePuzzlesEurope
Editrice Giochi published this very rare puzzle in 1989. The title is Libra, and it belongs to their Zodiac series.

6000, Schmidt, The Wedding at Cana, Paolo Veronese

125.00 Sold by: RarePuzzlesEurope
There are different puzzle versions of the iconic painting The Wedding at Cana by Paolo Veronese. The German manufacturer Schmidt

3000, Jumbo, Tiles of Barcelona

125.00 Sold by: RarePuzzlesEurope
Jumbo manufactured this magnificent puzzle in 2016, but it is already hard to find, especially in factory sealed condition. The

1500, Editrice Giochi, Capricorno

39.00 Sold by: RarePuzzlesEurope
Editrice Giochi published this very rare puzzle in 1989. The title is Capricorno, and it belongs to their Zodiac series.

6000, MB, Japanese Garden

105.00 Sold by: RarePuzzlesEurope
MB manufactured this beautiful puzzle in 1993. The title is Japanese Garden. The puzzle is like NEW, with all the

3000, Educa, Corteo dei Re Magi, Benozzo Gozzoli

115.00 Sold by: RarePuzzlesEurope
Educa manufactured this gem in 1996 and it is now very rare. It represents the fresco Corteo dei Re Magi,
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