Showing all 5 results

32000, Ravensburger, New York City Window

500.00 Sold by: Frits
Ravensburger manufactured this huge puzzle in 2014. The title is New York City Window. The unique image is part of

32000, Ravensburger, Double Retrospect, Keith Haring

700.00 Sold by: Frits
Ravensburger manufactured this iconic puzzle in 2010. At that time it was the biggest puzzle on the planet and it

32000, Ravensburger, Double Retrospect, Keith Haring

675.00 Sold by: ArtPuzzler
Ravensburger manufactured this iconic puzzle in 2010. At that time it was the biggest puzzle on the planet and it

1000, Ravensburger, Retrospect, 1989, Haring

29.00 Sold by: Rare Puzzles
Ravensburger manufactured this puzzle in 2007. The title is Retrospect, 1989, by Keith Haring. The puzzle is COMPLETE (1008 pieces),

32000, Ravensburger, New York City Window

980.00 Sold by: Emilia puzzles
Ravensburger manufactured this huge puzzle in 2014. The title is New York City Window. The unique image is part of