Showing all 9 results

2000, Educa, The Silent Hills, Cris Ortega

60.00 Sold by: Ana Vanesa
Educa manufactured this beautiful puzzle in 2012. The title is The Silent Hills, by Cris Ortega. It belongs to their

1000, Nathan, Poinsettia, Cris Ortega

31.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
This is a very nice puzzle by Nathan. The title is Poinsettia, with a painting by Cris Ortega. The puzzle

2000, Grafika, Red Path of Eternity, Cris Ortega

30.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
This is a very nice puzzle by Grafika. The title is Red Path of Eternity, by Cris Ortega. The puzzle

1000, Heye, Crow, Cris Ortega

31.00 Sold by: Barebrain
Heye manufactured this puzzle in 2008. The title of the painting is Crow, by Cris Ortega. This painting is part of Forgotten, which

2000, Educa, The Silent Hills, Cris Ortega

72.00 Sold by: Barebrain
Educa manufactured this beautiful puzzle in 2012. The title is The Silent Hills, by Cris Ortega. It belongs to their

3000, Heye, Red, by illustrator Cris Ortega

59.00 Sold by: Olga
Heye manufactured this puzzle in 2013. Despite the fact that the puzzle is only a few years old, it is

1000, Heye, Crow, by illustrator Cris Ortega

26.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
Heye manufactured this puzzle in 2008. The title of the painting is Crow, by Cris Ortega. This painting is part of Forgotten, which

1000, Grafika, The Time of the Tiger, Cris Ortega

20.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
This is an interesting puzzle by Grafika. The title is The Time of the Tiger, by Cris Ortega. The puzzle

1000, Heye, Swans, by Cris Ortega

20.00 Sold by: Rare Puzzles
Heye manufactured this puzzle in 2012. The title of the painting is Swans, by Cris Ortega. This painting is part