1000×2, Jumbo, The Toy Shop & The Carol Singers

34.00 Sold by: Barebrain
This is a very nice set of puzzles by Jumbo. It includes two paintings by Anton Pieck: The Toy Shop & The Carol Singers.

1000, Lagoon, Taxi Turmoil, Ultimate Maze Jigsaw

33.00 Sold by: Maya
Lagoon Trading Company manufactured this interesting maze puzzle in 1000 pieces in 1998. The title is Ultimate Maze Jigsaw, Taxi Turmoil and

99, Puzzelman, Children of the Sea, Israëls

11.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
Puzzelman manufactured this beautiful puzzle for the Rijksmuseum. The title is Children of the Sea, by Jozef Israëls. You can