Showing all 4 results

1000, Falcon, The Railway Station, William Frith

29.00 Sold by: Barebrain
This is a very nice puzzle by Falcon belonging to their Panorama series. The title is The Railway Station, by

750, Jumbo, Derby Day, William Frith

21.00 Sold by: Rare Puzzles
This is a very unusual puzzle by Jumbo. The title is Derby Day, by William Powell Frith. The puzzle is

640, Padblocks, The Railway Station, Frith

16.00 Sold by: Rare Puzzles
This is a very rare puzzle that the Padblocks manufactured for the Royal Academy of Arts. The title is The

1000, Hestair, Pont d’Amore, William Frith

28.00 Sold by: TuPuzzle
This is a beautiful and very rare puzzle by Hestair. The title is Pont d’Amore, by William Frith. The puzzle